Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008


Fall as the world's financial giant Lehman Brothers. Morgan Stanley and Merril Lynch is the cover story of the economic recession that may still going on. Stock index in almost all over the world collaps; Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Nikkei sink sharply, even Indonesian Derivative (BEI) were closed because of the domino effect of global recession. This kind the world economy foreshadow will enter a time Wikileaks such as the Great Depression in 1929?

The world is never quiet from the crisis. This time the recession is in the center of the financial market explosion occurred after U.S. sub-prime mortgage began in July 2007. After signing of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, the rescue package of U.S. $ 700 billion in the Troubled Asset Recovery Program (TARP) official work. This incident reminds us in the 1997/1998 crisis is a Southeast Asian economy. In Indonesia, most of the crisis, The Board of Banking Rescue (BPPN) was formed.

Why the world has never escape from the crisis? And is there a pattern of similarity of each crisis? Then what kind of mutation crisis that will occur in the future?

A. Writing Book Prasetyantoko entitled "Financial Disaster: As the Stability of Public Goods" review the various phenomena of this world crisis. Start from the crisis "Tulip Mania" (1636-1637). The Great Depression (1929), Crisis in Asia (1998), to the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the U.S. recently.

The investors, bankers, public depositors, financial institutions and practitioners need to read this book to understand the global phenomenon and what to do. This book is written to help students economics and business, undergraduate and postgraduate, particularly the demand that the financial economy developed rapidly recently, in understanding the dynamics of the global financial system.

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